Selector Products

Selector Insight Overlay Reports

Industry and demographic norms can be overlaid onto the standard Selector Insight report.

See how your candidate compares to others in a specific group as well as how they compare to the general population.

59 reports

There are 59 reports that can be applied to a completed Selector Insight assessment—more will be added when we gather sufficient data. Additionally, we may be able to tailor custom overlay reports based on your own candidate data*.

For information about reading the results, see: Understanding the Selector Insight overlay report graphs.

Selector products

  1. Selector Professional
  2. Selector Insight
  3. Selector Insight Interview
  4. Selector Fluid
  5. Selector Contact
  6. Selector Stress Reactions
  7. Selector Gateway
  8. Selector CareerStep
  9. SAM
  10. Sample reports